Szint korlát

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Megjelenéskor a szintkorlát 50 lesz.[1]

A fejlesztők szerint a legnagyobb szint eléréséhez körülbelül 45 napra lesz szükség, napi 4-6 óra játékidő esetén.[2][3]

  • Alacsonyabb szintű karakterek is hasznosak lesznek nagy csaták (mint a Node ostrom) során, olyan tevékenységekben ami nem konkrétan a szintjüktől függ, mint az ostrom gépek kezelése, erődítmények javítása, közelségre hagyatkozó buffok biztosítása, lopakodás használata vagy falak megmászása. Ilyesfajta dolgok jelentősek a csata végkimenete szempontjából, de nem követelik meg a max szintet, vagy hogy jó harci statokkal rendelkezz.[4]

The idea is not to be a game where somebody can essentially no life for a week and be max level. The idea is to incorporate some significant chunk of time but still respect the casual player, because the way we respect the casual player is not everything is driven in our game through the adventuring progression line. Not everything is driven through your class level per-se. There's a lot of different progression paths that are available and make you relevant within certain systems and mechanics within the game; and some of those paths are more casual friendly and some of those paths are more hardcore friendly. So with regards to the adventuring class, the idea is to make sure that investment needs to be pretty significant and that the reward then is respective of that investment.[2]Steven Sharif


Nem a megszokott endgame várható az Ashes of Creation-ben.[5]

Part of the whole experience with nodes is that there is no real end-game, in that the world is constantly shifting every day. Month one is going to be really different from month two; and that's for the level 50s and level 1s.[5]Jeffrey Bard

We want the game to be a living game, which means that all content should be relevant at all times. I’d say that we try to make as little distinction between the leveling up experience and the end game experience as possible. The whole journey is important to us, in order to maximize the fun people have during different stages of the game.[6]Sarah Flanagan


Alfa-1 szintlépés animáció, Jim Sanders által.[7]

One of the cool abilities we all love seeing and gives us a major dopamine response is when our character levels up.[7]Steven Sharif

A szintezés nem a hagyományos lineáris útvonalat fogja követni, bár lesznek klasszikus szintező mechanikák.[8] Tapasztalat (xp/tp) szerzésre sokféle tevékenység alkalmas:[9]

Egy karakter szintje látható lesz a többiek számára.[10]

Nem lesz bármilyen sebzést csökkentő hatás/szorzó szintkülönbség esetén, se Pvp-ben se PvE-ben.[11]

If I have a skill that does a thousand damage to a target of equal level I don't want my skill to do zero damage to a target that's five levels above me.[11]Steven Sharif

Szint alapú szorzó

Levels, stats, or skills will not be scaled to allow low level players to participate in encounters with higher level players or world bosses.[12][13][5]

Q: Will world bosses scale when it comes to player levels and is it based on players or the zone itself leveling?
A: They will not scale based on player level, no.[12]Steven Sharif


Experience (XP) is gained through a variety of vertical and horizontal progression paths, such as Pvp, PvE, Feltárása, Összegyűjtése/Feldolgozás/Ravaszkodó, Events/Küldetések, Grinding mobs.[14][15][16][9]

  • XP will be awarded for participating in objective-based PvP on a diminishing returns basis.[16]
  • Experience gained from killing mobs and bosses when in a group is divided by the number of party members based on damage done by the group (compared to any other parties attacking that mob or boss).[17]
    • A multiplier is then applied that increases with the number of party members.[18] The multiplier is between 1.3 and 1.4 (approximately).[19]
    • Experience gained also takes into account the difference between the party's highest and lowest level characters.[18]
    • Experience gained from quest rewards is not shared with other party members.[19]
  • Experience gained is not affected by looting rights.[17]

