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Las mazmorras, raids, jefes de mundo, enemigos, misiones, eventos, recursos, narrativa y cualquier otro contenido dentro de la ZOI de un nodo tendrán un nivel de dificultad variable; pero escalará con el avance de ese nodo y de su influencia racial.[1][2][3]

We don’t have a strictly level 25 zone. Instead, that zone might have some level 10 creatures near the road, some level 20 creatures deep in the forest, and some level 30 creatures up the mountain. These ratios will change based on the Nodes that inform them, becoming generally more dangerous as the Node grows. All this civilization attracts the attention of Things-That-Should-Not-Be. This does not mean that wilderness areas are safe, by any means. Some may be safe-er, but all will have dangers that even the most experienced traveler needs to watch out for.[4]Steven Sharif